Blogs: Biomedical Science

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Monday, June 27th, 2022

Can I get a Biomedical Science degree online?

Biomedical Science is a hands-on subject, particularly so at postgraduate level. As a Masters student you'll be spending a lot of time in the laboratory, conducting research and using equipment only available in academic or professional realms.  While searching for the right course, you might be concerned about the viability of studying Biomedical Science online. [...]

Wednesday, April 6th, 2022

5 Reasons to study a Biomedical Science Masters

If you’re working in bio-industry or other pharmaceutical or healthcare-related role, you might ask yourself: ‘why study biomedical science at Masters level?’ A Masters degree doesn’t have to take you away from your work and can be much more helpful in your career development than you might appreciate. Is a Biomedical Science degree worth it? [...]

Monday, October 11th, 2021

Is IBMS Accreditation Important for a Biomedical Science Masters?

Ulster is extremely proud that our online Masters degree in Biomedical Science has an IBMS Accreditation. But what does that actually mean for the programme and for you as a prospective student? Should you only apply for IBMS accredited courses? What if a Masters programme is not accredited? Here’s a straightforward explanation about the Institute [...]

Thursday, September 16th, 2021

What Can You Do with a Master’s in Biomedical Science?

Ulster University aims for excellence in teaching and research standards, and our Biomedical Science distance learning MSc is a great example of these meeting these objectives. Students on the programme learn a range of in-depth biomed skills and theoretical concepts to increase their existing knowledge. But when it comes to graduating, what can you do [...]